reupholstering & painting chairs

Well I don't have much for you today because this rain is killing my current project.
I need it to stay dry for a few days in a row.
I'm in the middle of painting the dining chairs I talked about here because we're using two of them as our desk chairs.
I decided to do something entirely different (go figure) from that post and just paint the chairs white.
 I also decided to go with a brown and white zebra fabric that I already owned similar to this one below.  That way I can add in a fun punch of color with a pillow rather than the chair itself.  And if I decide to go for a bold color, the white will act as primer against all that dark wood.
what do you think?
Anyone else working on anything right now?

Also in case you missed my guest post yesterday on Jessica's blog, I thought I'd share my dream kitchen on here as well. And also so I can stare at it often when I'm cooking in my real kitchen!


lamp shades


my little family