Family Room Progress | Reading Corner
A quick update on Tagg. Overall, he's doing so much better! He is totally off fluid therapy and I removed his line yesterday. Add that to my list of skills. He has a really tough time after he wakes up in the morning and again in the afternoon after his nap. He's fussy and needs about 45 minutes of direct snuggling before bouncing back to his normal playful self. He's moving slower and tires easily but seems to be on the mend. Night time is still a struggle but we'll get there. It's not like lack of sleep is anything new.
While playing trains with Tagg yesterday in the playroom I decided that my pink desk needed to go. That room is meant for playing and it was eating up valuable floor space so I moved it to the guestroom. There was really no room for it in there either, so to make the desk work I had to shuffle a club chair back downstairs and into the family room. I think I like it. It creates a cozy little reading corner in the unused second half of our family room.
The chair needs to be properly slip covered, that's a just a piece of fabric tucked over it, but it already matches perfectly with the other pillows in the room. And I like that am upholstered piece balances this side of the room a bit better. It gives Matthew a soft spot to read or play on his phone while I stay up late working on the computer so I don't feel so left out.
You may remember the chair's brief appearance here. And you can see the current state of the other half of the family room here. You'll also notice that the kids wicker table and chairs have migrated to the family room as well (check them out in the playroom here and here).
I get so much satisfaction out of moving things around and making them work better. The awkward placement of the doors to this long room have made separating it into zones so easy. And I'm starting to not mind that the fireplace isn't a centered feature. I'm sure my husband wishes that I did this a little less. It's like I can't seem to dust under a piece of furniture without relocating it entirely. Do y'all do that too?
While playing trains with Tagg yesterday in the playroom I decided that my pink desk needed to go. That room is meant for playing and it was eating up valuable floor space so I moved it to the guestroom. There was really no room for it in there either, so to make the desk work I had to shuffle a club chair back downstairs and into the family room. I think I like it. It creates a cozy little reading corner in the unused second half of our family room.
The chair needs to be properly slip covered, that's a just a piece of fabric tucked over it, but it already matches perfectly with the other pillows in the room. And I like that am upholstered piece balances this side of the room a bit better. It gives Matthew a soft spot to read or play on his phone while I stay up late working on the computer so I don't feel so left out.
I get so much satisfaction out of moving things around and making them work better. The awkward placement of the doors to this long room have made separating it into zones so easy. And I'm starting to not mind that the fireplace isn't a centered feature. I'm sure my husband wishes that I did this a little less. It's like I can't seem to dust under a piece of furniture without relocating it entirely. Do y'all do that too?