Inspiration: Boys Nursery

 Just gathering some inspiration for Tagg's nursery in our new house.  Let's face it, it's going to look a whole lot like his nursery in our last house.  I am keeping in mind that he is still a baby and in a crib and there is no need to jump the gun on a big boy room just yet.  I did two different nurseries for Wells in two different houses so I guess it's only fair to do the same for Tagg.  I am really drawn to the mix of light walls and dark wood with some blue and vintage pieces thrown in for good measure.  I'm going to let his favorite riding toy live in his room as well as find a way to incorporate his beloved choo-choos.  I'll keep you posted when we get back to Richmond and get all moved in!

Perfect Start to a Dinner Party


Currently Obsessed: Summer Pastels