Julia Ryan Pawleys Island Realtor & Lifestyle Blogger

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Sleep and Friday Favorites

Let me start first by saying that sometimes life gives you exactly what you need!  I've been exhausted lately.  Between the heat and projects and blogging and just plain taking care of my family, it's been a lot.  Last night I was supposed to have a girls night out and just before we were supposed to go my favorite friend Lindsay called to say her poor doggie Stella was sick and she needed to stay in and take care of her.  I'll admit, I was bummed.  I had on clean dry-clean only clothes and fake eye-lashes.  
I grabbed my book (book three of the hunger games) and headed straight to bed.  But before I could even lift my book off the bedside table, I'd laid down and fallen asleep.  I didn't get up until 8:00 this morning.  Totally unheard of in our house.  And it was just what I needed!

And how amazing is this whole board?  The outfit, the colors, the quote?
It's my new favorite!
I've got so much going on this weekend, but adding list painting basket project to my list of DIY's is a must.

 I'm so obsessed with these candles and trays from this store.  I think I need to treat myself to them!  If you browse around the site you'll also see the awesome bug scarf I included in this post.

Another DIY I have planned, but maybe not for this weekend.  Dipped legs.  I have just the table or two that would love some gold or black booties!

I fully intend to make this summer peach and arugula salad on Sunday.  It looks delicious!  I'll report back next week!

And I've got pizza on my mind because we're having a little pizza party for Wells tomorrow with all of my mom's family.  I'm not ready to talk about it.  She'll be two next week.
My favorite pizzas I've been making at home are barbecue chicken and ham & pineapple.  What's yours?