Julia Ryan Pawleys Island Realtor & Lifestyle Blogger

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PINK JEANS now & later

So we all know I've been making a few wardrobe purchases this summer that will hopefully become part of my longterm wardrobe.  Not engagement season special event clothes, not I might get pregnant soon clothes, not maternity clothes, not I just had a baby...again....clothes.  But legitimate, I like the way these fit and I know how I need them to work in my life clothes.  And unlike those circumstantial purchases from the last few years, these I intend to work into as many seasons as possible.
And as you can tell, I've already got fall on my radar.  And I'm trying to find ways to make all my summer clothes stretch into the new season.
Of course, I've got drinks with the girls tonight and plan on wearing the now outfit.  LNO is always a look I can match up.  What do y'all think, are we doing neon jeans into fall?
pink jeans
NOW top | bangles | bag | sandals 
LATER top | necklace | blazer | bracelet | shoes