Office design (one room challenge)

So it's week five of six and I decided on Sunday night to get a whole new game plan for my office.  Not just the furniture arrangement, but the color scheme as well.  It was just too much bright color for me and a mismatch of items that hadn't found a home elsewhere in our house didn't help.  I realized what I needed was some traditional elements thrown in to ground things.
And we all decided last week that coral and animal print is the way to win over any crowd.
I removed the long white table and gallery wall and replaced it with a desk from the living room.  I thought, what the the hell, why not put the computer on an actual desk and not the dining room table.  And why not put the long narrow display table on the long narrow wall in the living room under the stairs.  
Brain Science my friends.  
Then I got really crazy and figured I could actually have my whole office on this one smaller wall in the dining room.  You know put my inspiration board above my computer where I can see it.  And hang my magnetic board where I can actually reach it.
This also alleviates trying to decorate that giant wall behind the dining room table where the computer used to sit.
Annnnnnnnd, now I have a cleared off space to sit down and eat.  In the dining room.
Function my friends.  Function.
So let's take a look friends.
Of course the picture is misleading because I've photoshopped in a few projects that I've yet to tackle just to help you visualize along with me.
This time it's laziness and not fear.  I will get to those projects slowly but surely.
We love it, yes?

 So here's what we're really working with.  Not quite as amazing as what's pictured aove, but much improved though right?

And here's a refresher, the wall on the left side in the picture below is what we're working with.
And just in case you're new, below is how the space looked in the beginning of this challenge.
It's getting crazy up in here.

So as of now my office improvement list includes:
1.  organize and style bookshelves.  Every item must have an office related purpose or just be pretty to stay.  More baskets are a must.
2.  Remove molding from the ceiling above bookshelves and build in a top shelf.  Reattach molding.  Creating completely floor to ceiling built-ins.  Beg/bribe Matthew to complete this project for me.
3.  Paint said built-ins black.
4.  Paint desk coral
5.  Spray paint the bulletin board frame in gold because we all know how I feel about gold spray paint.
6.  Buy and attach leopard fabric to said bulletin board transforming it to inspiration board.
7.  Buy black shade for the lamp
8.  Find small area rug (preferably kilim or other badass persian rug) to help define the space

As always, please be sure to visit the other ladies to see what they've been up to this week in the challenge!
Lauren - The Cottage Mix
Lindsay - Everything LEB
Barbara - Hodge:Podge
Tiffany - Living Savvy
Jessie - Mix & Chic
Danylle - Nana Moon
Jennifer - The Pink Pagoda
Bethany - Powell Brower Home
Emily - Rue de Emily
Lindsay - Sadie + Stella


Second Birthday & Randoms around the house


Dining Room Design & Crock-Pot Recipes