creating a playroom
So this isn't' a very exciting post for y'all but it certainly is for my girl Wells.
You see we transformed our extra large dining room into a bit of a multipurpose room after Tag was born in order for our house to function better with two babies to keep my eye on. The first thing I did was turn our dining room table into a computer desk which created a little office area in half of the space and purposing the other half of the room as Wells' little play kitchen.
More on all that later.
Our giant china hutch, which you may remember from here, falls into Wells' zone and was looking a little out of place amongst her toys. So I gave it up and redesigned it for kids.
Honestly, I kinda like it.
And Wells adores it.
At first I was worried about putting her things out of reach, but it's helped with the chaotic mess she creates and it makes her toys feel more special. She likes to get a "ride pease mommy" and have me hold her up so she can choose a story or another "treashure" from the shelf.
Please tell me I'm not the only one who's let their house slowly get taken over by toys.
Please tell me I'm not the only one who's let their house slowly get taken over by toys.
Here's what it was looking like before which I loved but this is just more practical for our life right now.