Julia Ryan Pawleys Island Realtor & Lifestyle Blogger

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my sweets

Have you ever tried to get your husband and 16 month old to cooperate for pictures outside in the freezing cold while 9 months pregnant?

While we're at it, I begged/cursed Matthew for forcing/allowing me to get in front of the camera this time too.  
I ALWAYS complain that we have no pictures of me and Wells.
Yet I never do anything about it.
And he was tired of listening.
So we're now down to the wire on having pictures of me loving on just her and her alone.
{I'm now thinking this would have been a much better idea before I got quite so big}

{and the only real belly shot y'all are getting out here for the whole world to see}

I'm not a huge fan of plastering pictures of myself all over the place and much prefer to hide behind the camera so consider this little preview your early Christmas present :)