Julia Ryan Pawleys Island Realtor & Lifestyle Blogger

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I'm hopefully off doing fabulous things today!
Although not that fabulous really.

When you're this pregnant and chase a 16 month old around all day a night out with just your husband includes the early bird seating somewhere full of cheese and carbs and an early bedtime.

I was pregnant with less than 4 weeks to go with Wells when Matthew turned 30 and now I'm pregnant with less than 4 weeks to go with Baby Boy when I turn 30.
Talk about poor planning.
Or God's way of keeping me out of the champagne.
I feel so lucky to have so many wonderful blessings in my life.
I can honestly say today really does feel like just another day.
In a good way.
I have no bar of achievement I'm judging myself against or a bucket list full of things I was supposed to accomplish by now.
I have an incredible (and hot) husband who amazes me everyday with his wit and skills and love.
I have a gorgeous and brilliant (of course) baby girl who adores me almost as much as I adore her.
I have a healthy pregnancy with a baby boy who I can only hope will be just like his daddy.
I have friends and family full of support and laughter.
I have a budding business doing something I love.
I have all of y'all, my sweet readers who never cease to amaze me with your friendship, kindness, and wisdom.