SC State House (Rep. Kevin Ryan)
Looks like I'm only one-degree of separation from being a Jackie one day!
My brother-in-law is being sworn in to the South Carolina House of Representatives this morning in Columbia.
He also happens to be the youngest member of the State House.
And at 22, he's one of the youngest lawmakers in the nation.
He's bright and articulate and full of problem solving skills.
Who knows where the future will take him.
Pretty badass!
South Carolina House of Representatives
District 108 (Charleston & Georgetown Counties)
No matter where your personal political beliefs lie, you have to acknowledge it's a positive change to see a new generation lead our country with some fresh ideas.
To read more about politics in action visit his website
Don't worry, I haven't forgotten that some of y'all don't care a lick about politics and are only stopping by for your morning pretties
*myself included despite the best intentions of the my father and both brothers-in-law*
so here's a little
somethingsomething for you this morning
New Goal for 2011: I will find a place to wear a pastel chiffon and feather dress
sparkly shoes a bonus
They are perfection