Julia Ryan Pawleys Island Realtor & Lifestyle Blogger

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Christmas in the South, Y'all

Preppy stocking for BabyGirl
I'm in love.  
Her Daddy, not so much.  
Both of our families hold the tradition of one stocking per child.  
We're not a get a new stocking each year or change it up to match this year's decor kind of people.
Which means this stocking has to last her a lifetime of Santa stuffing and Matthew thinks it's too juvenile for the long run.
I'd say I agree completely, except my stocking at my parents house is covered in teddy bears and I can honestly say I still happily accept all treats tucked inside.  
Here's where I start using my oh-so-logical thinking.
My mom is having a new stocking made for BabyGirl to hang on her mantle forever.
Meanwhile, Matthew and I have two sets of stocking pairs on our own mantle that technically do match our Christmas color scheme of sparkly silver, gold, and white.
I was hoping to pick up another of our original Pottery Barn white velvet with diamond sparkles somewhere online but can't find any anywhere.
This wouldn't match at all.
See how I like to bend the rules.
So I'm thinking this stocking could go somewhere special in BabyGirl's room more as a decoration than her official stocking.
And just in case those of you with baby boy's are in the same stocking predicament...

our dear Ms. Kelly does not disappoint
And on to some pictures of my house all dressed up for Baby Jesus' Birthday.
Dear little 8 pound 6 ounce baby Jesus, new born, not even spoken a word yet...
It's really nothing spectacular.
I'm too exhausted by the time BabyGirl goes to bed to really get in the spirit.
But I can't let her first Christmas go unnoticed in our home either.
That just wouldn't be right.
I have about 10 boxes, no really, of holiday decor that I was just too tired to put up this year.
Last year I was pregnant, in the beginning of the dreaded first trimester, and my sweet mother-in-law must have felt sorry for me and my lack of energy and volunteered to decorate my house.
It was incredible.
Matthew and I threw an amazing and very grown up cocktail party to boot.
Sadly, I was too sick to enjoy it or take any pictures.
This year I decided to take pictures as I go along just in case I'm too lazy to do it when the whole house is finally festive.

I love hanging these glittery snowflakes on my lamps, it adds a bit of sparkle!

 Okay, here's what I was talking about with the two sets of stockings.
If anyone has one or two of these Pottery Barn stockings they'd like to give sell me just send me an email.  I'd love to have one for BabyGirl and for SweetBoy.
I'm also looking for another of the PotteryBarn silver ornament stocking holders

 Please excuse my horrid window treatments.
I hate how low they are hung and the lack of proper rods.
I have no excuse except that I don't know what I really want yet in the way of fabrics and my husband refused to step foot in the room until the windows were covered.  He's very concerned the neighbors can see in.   And watch us reading magazines in our sweatpants I suppose.

And on to the dining room

 I like to have my table set

Any of y'all finished your holiday decor? 
Or have the energy and motivation to tackle a DIY project?
Do tell!