Happy Easter

Happy Easter!!!

I'm off to embark on an eleven hour road trip to Louisville, Kentucky with my very brave and patient husband to visit my sister and her husband and my adorable nephew Graham.
Can you imagine how many times this preggo body will have to stop to pee or stretch or eat?
Probably only slightly less than the number of one hit wonders on my iPod that I'll have full volume sing-alongs to. Yes, I know the words to every song. It's a hidden talent.
God bless him!
We're leaving Sweet Boy behind this time and I'm pretty sad that we'll be gone from him so long. We'll won't be back until next Tuesday and he's never been without us this long. Thankfully Matthew's parents have agreed to take care of him so he doesn't have to board. He hates to be crated by strangers. Even nice ones.
On another note...
My fabulous and super smart cousin is 18 today!
Libby is a senior in high school anxiously awaiting college acceptance letters. She's already been accepted to UVA and Washington University in St. Louis and Notre Dame!!
I'm so excited about all the opportunities and adventures you're about to embark on.
Being 18 and going to college is so freaking awesome! You have no idea just how much fun you're life is about to become!
I remember when I turned 18 I was already finished with my first semester at College of Charleston. Well, to be honest, I don't really remember. But I have some really funny pictures to help me remember. We celebrated at T-Bones and then Captain Harry's and then Silver Dollar. We thought we were so cute, but in all honesty, we were puffy (not from beer or kicken chicken, riiight) and wearing entirely too much abercrombie.

Preppy Mafia


Mission Organization