Love it or Leave it | Matching Pillow Arrangments on Sofas

We have a sofa, loveseat, and a chair in our family room.  Probably pretty similar to what most everyone here has as well.  So my big question to you, do you like your pillows to match exactly?  More specifically do you like for pillows on the sofa and love seat, or sofa and chairs to be in matching pairs or sets or do you prefer a more organic and complimentary flow of fabrics?

Let me give you some examples of family rooms with matching pillow arrangements and you can decide from there.  All of these are pretty.  I searched only through my pinterest folders to find rooms to use for this post.  So all of these are spaces I liked and pinned.  They're all my style.

Yet as I embark on trying to freshen up the pillow choices in my family room I feel like I'm a little bored with this option.  I don't really want to repeat the same patterns on multiple surfaces.

 The last room seems to be on the fence.  They've lots of different pillows all in the same warm white color scheme but featured the same patterned fabric pillow on each sofa.  That's a pretty good compromise too.  But is that enough?  Would more pattern mixing be more fun?

Matching Pillows on multiple surfaces?  Love it or Leave it?


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