pink jeans

Hey friends!  Miss me this morning?
No shows or internets since Saturday morning.
It's been like survivor over here y'all.
Wells was completely ALL DONE! with the lone Little Einsteins dvd I've been feeding her for days.
But all is well and I'm back to civilization.
I can say that this unexpected foray in to technological blackness finally allowed me to grab Hunger Games off my shelf.  I'm a really good reader so I finished it on Sunday and started on the second book.
So far, so good, so HUNGRY!
Seriously, the most I got out of it was the amazing descriptions of food.
A few years late, but I, too, am obsessed.
Now I just need someone to loan me Shades of Grey and I can pretend I'm somewhat current.
Also, so excited for my girls night tonight with Lindsay from Sadie + Stella and Erin from Richmond Thrifter at one of my favorite local wine bars, Secco.
Details will be shared tomorrow!
And because I'm trying to make up for my tardiness I will gift to you something special.
The perfect cheap pink jean.
They look lame as crap on this emaciated model, but let me tell you, they hold a girl in.
They're just high rise enough to be forgiving of my c-section flub but low cut enough to still be flattering.
They're thick enough to be smooth but still have lycra so they're amazingly comfortable.
And they're not cropped.  Thank you jeebus.
I'm almost 5'9 and still need all the help I can get elongated any body parts I can (except my boobs, of course, they're doing that on their own).
And they're just under $50 bucks
So done.


Pink Denim {Daytime ideas}


living room fabric update