baby momma
Yeah this one right here goes out to all the baby's mamas, mamas...
Mamas, mamas, baby mamas, mamas
Yeah, go like this
I found this cute little idea here and I thought I'd share.
This would be cute to make for yourself but it would be ridonculously sweet to make it for your friend as a shower gift.
I know my friends typically do a joint gift from the hostess and buy something big like the stroller or car seat, but this is a fun alternative.
You can buy a cute bag and fill it with all of the items listed.
This would also be a perfect group gift for a second (or third) baby where momma obviously already has all the necessities and probably isn't having a traditional shower anyway.
This packed up and delivered during a nice girls spa day or brunch sounds muy bueno to me!
click here for the printable pdf
What were some of your hospital must-haves?
{I had a c-section so mine might be a little different}
nursing supplies including pads & My Breast Friend (hospital provided cream and everything else you could possibly need for nursing)
cute bathrobe, both floor length and a short one
makeup and toiletries
(I'd suggest applying a nice fake tanner before you head to the hospital because you can't imagine how pale and sickly you will feel so at least you don't have to look it)
hair spray and bobby pins (to help your greasy hair look more polished)
pillow with two extra pillow cases
(you'll be a sweater, I promise)
laptop (it will be an iPad for the next one)
phone charger
nightgowns with easy nursing access
(I just wore cotton nighties because I thought the nursing gowns were ugly) and whipped my boob out.
going home outfit (maternity dress or leggings are best)
extra pillow and blanket for your husband
going home outfit for baby that can snap into a carseat
(I suggest the kissykissy convertible gowns for this)
I brought a ton of outfits for BabyGirl for the hospital but she wore nothing but the kimono style undershirts the nursery provided.
They'll be swaddled the whole time anyway
The hospital provides everything else; diapers, wipes, cream, paci's etc. so leave the diaper bag at home ladies. You really don't need it.