fabric flower tutorial
Okay, so I've talked on here about how I like to get crafty sometimes but I rarely remember to get out the camera while I'm doing so
This time was different
I thought of y'all while I was doing my thang
First I found a pair of Lily pants in my goodwill pile and decided that while my ass could no longer fit in them it didn't have to mean someone else should snatch them up for $4.50
I started cutting them up into circles using no pattern
I like how the sizes are a little off and the circles and not perfect
I made five different sizes and started making piles of what I had
You really only need three sizes with 6 of the large, 4 of the medium, three of the small; but I was making a large one for me and a small one for BabyGirl so I needed several to pick from
fold your circle in half
and again so it makes a pretty little triangle
then take a needle and thread and make a little x stitch into it so it stays together in that shape
cut out a circle of a sturdier fabric, maybe upholstery grade or felt, about the half the size of your whole flower shape and sew one of the biggest triangles onto the edge with a quick stitch.
Continue in a clockwise pattern by sewing each triangle down with some overlapping and when you get back around start with the second layer and then the third layer.
It doesn't have to be perfect, just make sure there are no visible holes
I have three layers of "circles" on this one
I cut out a tiny circle of my scrap backing fabric to use as the bud and sewed it on
you could also use a button
Flip it over and secure a safety pin
After you make one you'll soon realize that you can skip some steps by folding the pieces and sewing them directly to the backing fabric to hold their shape and their place.
I also learned that you can make several large and small flowers with one pair of capris