House Beautiful Color Charts {Part I}
Okay, this is color week!
The post are as much for myself as they are for y'all.
I came across this huge compilation the other day while I was desperately trying to find an online swatch of my front hall color, Antique Sterling by Glidden.
While my search for the specific gray I used was futile, I did think this was the most outstanding source for tried and true usable wall colors.
I'm pretty sure I already have every single one of these tear-outs from the originals piled high in my home design binder.
But in an effort to go paperless it was something I just knew I'd want to reference again and again.
I thought you just might want to as well.
I've got these all pre-loaded and set to load so I can spend as much time enjoying this amazing weather outdoors with my front-porch obsessed child.
Yes, I said child, not baby.
She's quite the grown-up these days with 4 front teeth and abs of steel to hold her little body up all the time now.
I hope some of y'all will find something you can use on your next home reno project!