The Way I see it

So blogger won't let me upload anything.
It keeps giving me a server rejected message so it's going to be a super boring post about my chlid unless I can fix this problem before bed.

So BabyGirl is finally starting to show some interest in food.
And by interest I mean below are the items that she'll even allow to go past her lips, in teeny tiny quantities
She's over 8 months and has continued to boycot anything resembling baby food in favor of a straight liquid diet
{I'm not worried, we'll just switch her to slim fast or ensure once she outgrows formula.  I'm just saying...}
She had her first playdate with out her momma this week and her sweet big girl friend AK introduced her to a few new things at snack time.  And BabyGirl, always the perfect guest, felt inclined to eat her snack. 
She now apparently likes:
banana puffs
strawberry yogurt
Nilla Wafers
Cheddar cheese
Maybe if I can teach her how to chew some flintstone gummies we'll just call it a day
She also continues to enjoy five or six 8oz bottles a day so long as you hold it for her.
The girl prefers to go hungry rather than hold her own bottle.
Have any of y'all had any struggles or success with feeding?


Pretty quotes


Benjamin Moore China White