To all my male readers and interior design interested only peeps, stop reading here. This whole post is going to not only bore you but scare you as well and probably make you swear off my blog forever. And I don't want that to happen. I'm not going to hold it against you and I suggest you hop on over to the side bar POSH BABYGIRL to see some more precious pics of my fabulous child like the one above!
For the rest of you, its really not that bad. Especially if you are a mom or know a new one.
Anyone who tells you the hardest part about a newborn is the sleeplessness obviously didn't breastfeed. That is way harder. Probably the hardest thing I've ever attempted to do. And according to both the lactation consultant at the hospital and our pediatrician's office, BabyGirl and I are really good at it. Only problem? My body didn't get the memo. My milk has never really come in. No giant porn-star boobs, no soreness, no engorgement or letdown. No tingles and sadly, no milk. After several failed attempts to get BabyGirl to pass a weight check at the doctors office I sat down and became super friendly with my Medela pump. I think I frightened myself by that first visual. I'm producing about an ounce on one side and half and ounce on the other at best. And this is with my mother keeping me rested, fed and my child calm. No biggie, I pump and we supplement with formula. Not the plan. But who cares, you know what BabyGirl thinks of those anyway.
So my mother left last Saturday and what happens? BabyGirl stays up all night screaming and spitting up on Daddy, it's projectile I'm told, while this PoshMama stays up all night with the feverish woes of mastitis. If you don't know what that is, you're lucky. It feels like the flu. If you do, I am so sorry for each and every one of you. As if taking care of a newborn isn't hard enough, I get this. Apparently this causes me to produce even less and for it taste funky. My child wants nothing to do with it.
Apparently she has an advanced palate.
You should have seen the look on my face as I poured two hard earned ounces down the drain.
Thank the the lord, seriously, I mean no disrespect, for antibiotics.
I feel a bit more human now.
I even convinced Matthew to take his us all to Barnes & Noble.
Needless to say she projectiled the moment we hit the double doors.
Uggh, tomorrow I'm thinking we stay home to nap.