Busy Packing

Today I'm busy packing for the hospital.
Making lists and checking them twice to make sure I have everything I need.
Like plenty of pretty cardigans, sunglasses, scarf, cute shoes and an umbrella for the ride home.
A girl can never be too prepared.

I'm also making cookies. Chocolate chip to be exact. I plan on bribing the nurses with them in exchange for an unusually high dose of morphine with a nice sedative mixed in.
Shaken, not stirred.

I can't wait for y'all to meet some of the fun guests I've got lined up!
I'm going to try to keep up with the five posts a week I've been doing but no promises that they'll involve much more than pictures or anything particularly clever!
Thank you to all of my readers for all your sweet comments and words of wisdom. I know so many of you are already mothers and I can't wait to join your ranks. I even have my eye on a blog badge I've seen several of y'all with that I plan on adding to my sidebar soon.
Wish me luck!!!

Bags are packed...


Pink Bedroom