I made cupcakes and a cake for Matthew's 30th Birthday and haven't stopped snacking on them since. It's seriously left me with a brain full of sugar and in a creative coma.
No worries.
I thought I'd help y 'all get into your own sugar overload so you wouldn't notice my slack.
Be prepared to read about some AMAZING looking cupcakes that I can't wait to try out. I thought you might like to as well.
For the actual recipe and step by step photos and instructions go to Joy's Hope.
Erin from one of my all time favorite blogs, Elements of Style, posted about these stylish cupcake holders here.
Salted Caramel Cupcakes and pink garden trellis holders, could there be a more perfect combination?
**I'd like to give Kellye Pearson full credit for introducing me to this recipe after posting about these cupcakes on my friend Ashley's facebook page. Once I am no longer pregnant and trying to get skinny again I will also be holding her personally accountable for my lack of success**