Splurge v. Steal

Can someone please help me find a way to make these blocks?

Pretty please.

Because they retail here for $120.00.

Seriously? For blocks?
Thankfully, I headed straight to Etsy and found these adorable blocks for a much more Recessionista-minded price.

The listing here says you get six blocks with 2-3 letters and a design on each block, but even with 3 letters per each at six blocks that doesn't equal all the letters of the alphabet.

I'm a bit confused.

I know I have horrible math skills but it still didn't add up. Right?

I'm pretty seriously interested in these pretties but I'm afraid I'd have to order several sets to actually spell BabyGirl's name or something else fun!

So I might be back to square one in needing to make these myself.


Mission Organization


Little Green Notebook