the power of cropping
Some photographers (I'm really going out on a limb here by putting myself in this group) believe you should let loose and take pictures freely and worry about editing later. Others think that your eye through the lens is what you're presenting to the world. I like to do a little of both. While I'm taking a shot I am highly aware of the whole scene. Sometimes this works perfect and no cropping is needed. Other times, not so much. Even if you like the original shot straight out of the camera you can create multiple objectives and change the whole feel of a picture just by cropping it. Here are some pictures I took at Mabry Mill that will demonstrate how various crops can make dramatic results in a final photo.
Original Photo
Same picture, different cropping options
*Option E
*This one had the same crop as option D but with an added glow feature
Which option was your favorite?
Original Picture
This photo was edited with a small amount of cropping and a light boost
I hope this illustrates just how much fun you can have with a single photo. Go play around with some of your pictures and see what you can come up with!
All photos taken by Pawleys Island Posh