Why a blog?

I decided to start this blog because not everyone in my family is on Facebook...yet! I am the only one in my family who managed to make it this far down south and I want to make sure that everyone who wanted to be in the know of my life could be kept up to date. March 2009 was a tremendously life changing month for me. I married the love of my life and we bought our first home. So that's where we'll start.
For anyone who's been to a lame wedding or a bed-in-a-bag home we all know that money doesn't buy taste and that it takes a certain flair to infuse a little style into anything. With the help of my amazingly hardworking and talented mother my wedding achieved the style and sophistication I was looking for. (And if you know my dad please don't ask him about the budget, just mention how much you loved the band!) So now my next task is creating the same stylish decor into my sweet little 1978 coastal cottage home. This will truly be a test of my non-existent patience and our bank account.
Luckily I have an amazing and handy husband who also dreams of having the nicest house in the neighborhood. He totally gets the importance of having just the right shade of blue in the living room and why the original brick fireplace with no mantel just won't do (remember our house was built in 1978 which is not known for it's historically beautiful decor.) He hates the carpets downstairs and old bathrooms as much as I do. He is my renovation hero. I will be sure to start posting some pictures as soon as I can find the usb cord for our camera!

MY FIRST HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


More Pictures of North Litchfield