Julia Ryan Pawleys Island Realtor & Lifestyle Blogger

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Stylish Preppy Nursery

Happy Monday morning!  I hope everyone had a relaxing weekend.  The weather was amazing here and I took full advantage!  Friday morning a friend and I took our kids to the pumpkin patch.  It was so cute watch them all play and sit on the pumpkins with zero interest in moving them or taking them home.  Apparently they thought they were simply stools for snacking and belonged to the farm.  Next we had a little picnic lunch at one of our favorite playgrounds before I dropped them off at my parents house for the evening.  I am so lucky to be able to give them quality time together while getting some down time for myself.  Such a perfect combination.  Saturday was more of the same, sleeping in and sunshine.  No really.  We used to rely on my parents babysitting for date nights, now it's to sleep through the night and stay in bed until 8:30am.  Those are the luxuries I'm most thankful for when the kids are away!  Matthew and I also got to go to lunch before the kids came back home.  Day dates are by far my favorite.  Maybe I'm just too tired to rushed to enjoy a nice dinner out these days?

I'm so excited to share a beautiful and stylish traditional nursery with y'all today.  It was designed by one of the super stylish sisters who blog together over at Southland Avenue.  So many good details!

I'm loving all of the old mixed with new in a fresh and fun way.  I absolutely love how blogger and home owner Mary Keller re-purposed beautiful family pieces and acquired antiques to work for the nursery.  I did that for the changing table in Tagg's nursery as well.  She does a beautiful job mixing in classic pieces in a way that doesn't feel stuffy.  That is always my goal in our home too.  This is truly a room her sweet baby Virginia can grow into!

 Seriously, so gorgeous!  And how incredible to have such a large bedroom!  Those matching twin beds are giving me serious children's room envy.  Imagine the fun sleepovers she'll have in here!  I'm going to have to bust out our second twin for Tagg's room soon.  Maybe more for me than for his little friends right now.  He's taken to "needing a human" to sleep with him every night.  Oh man.