Julia Ryan Pawleys Island Realtor & Lifestyle Blogger

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One Room Challenge Week 4

 Welcome back to the One Room Challenge.  We've already arrived at week 4 which means just two weeks left to complete my playroom.  I'm ready.  I've been feeling good about my plan and the progress I've made.  The only trouble I'm having is keeping Wells and Tagg out of their new playroom.  They considered it 100% complete from the moment their toys arrived in the space.  Just as I suspected, they're trashing the room pretty quickly.  That is making my progress shots a lot trickier!
 If you've been reading along all week then you already know that we received some new furniture this week.  Nothing that I wanted for the playroom in particular, but it did cause a shuffle of furniture leaving me with a very pink, very available sofa.

You're probably thinking, wow, you just got a pink striped sofa.  How awesome.  Well the truth is no, I've been in possession of this sofa for 10 years.  Yes, I've managed to keep her off this blog.  You feel totally ripped off?  Like there is so much of myself that I've been hiding from you?  Like I have a whole secret life I don't share here publicly?  Well, I guess that's pretty true.  This couch was my first big furniture purchase from my first big paycheck after college.  And I went to GDC in Charleston and selected a pricy quality sofa.  That was pink.  EFF.  And in one of the only lines they carry that doesn't make slipcovers for their pieces.  Double Eff.  Despite her age and use, this sofa is in amazing shape and incredibly comfortable.  We have zero plans of ditching her.  It's a lesson learned on buying quality.  It really does last forever.  Just be sure to buy neutral quality.  You never know when you're taste might evolve.

I've taken the covers off the four cushions countless times but there are still some stubborn stains that won't come out.  And it's all just a but much.  So I've ordered this two-piece twill slipcover in white which should arrive on Friday.  I've already spend a large portion of my budget for this room so a custom slipcover just isn't in the cards.  And I still have my two slipper chairs I mentioned last week in the middle of their makeover with no place to put them now.  Sometimes life throws you curveballs and you adjust.  Have you had any unexpected changes to your plan this late in the game?

I'm hoping it will look as close to this as possible.  I know a slipcover won't be that tailored but hopefully the plain white background will blend in better.  And it's totally washable so the napkin status is less offensive.

And because I want to keep it real here and show you exactly what the playroom looks like currently.  Bam.  Does this make up for me keeping my pink couch from you all these years?  Do you want to cringe and say a group, bless her heart.  She needs a housekeeper.  I have a 1.5 year old and a just turned 3 year old who doesn't nap.  This is my life, y'all.  One Room Challenge or not.

Click here if you want to start at the beginning and as always, please check out the other fabulous ladies to see what they've been up to this week!