Julia Ryan Pawleys Island Realtor & Lifestyle Blogger

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Fall Pumpkins & Saying Grace

I know it's not even halloween yet, but I'm already excited about turning all my pumpkins over to Thanksgiving.  Muted colors and metallics are much more my style than carved up jack-o-lanterns with creepy spiders crawling about.  
What about y'all, do you leave your pumpkins out past Halloween?  
I also love this idea I found on pinterest.  You place a drop cloth down as your tablecloth on Thanksgiving and use a sharpie to write down what everyone is thankful for that year.  What a fun idea to start the tradition and bring out the same cloth each year to see how the people and thankfulness multiplies.
And one more random question, does your family say grace?  We did growing up and it's something I'd like to start up in my own little family.  If so, what age did you start with your children and which prayers of grace did you say?