Living Room Shelf Styling
I try to mention all the time how I awesome I think y'all are. This whole blog community is full of creative and talented people and seems to be the one small corner of the world where we give encouragement and advice freely without judgement and without mean-spirited competition.
All of your comments and advice were thoughtful and helpful.
I am so excited to add in more elements of black and gold and leopard.
And I completely agree about a darker bolder color on back of the shelves.
So I shouldn't say I was all the surprised when a lovely reader sent me a few sweet emails yesterday regarding
project living room zhush. She played around with my bookshelves and sent me a virtual make-over that is spot on with where I'm headed. I preach all the time about the benefits of a visual plan and a fresh perspective. And this sweet girl just laid one at my doorstep. Well, in-box, anyway.
I can't wait to implement this plan. I think it's just what the rooms needs.
She has a pretty kick-ass blog called Orange Cashmere so go check it out if you haven't yet.
She has a pretty kick-ass blog called Orange Cashmere so go check it out if you haven't yet.
And now I leave you with a few of my favorite words of wisdom from pinterest this week.
I hope everyone has a fantastic holiday weekend!