Julia Ryan Pawleys Island Realtor & Lifestyle Blogger

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weekly cleaning chart

So as of right now, I'm cleaning my own house.  I'll be honest, I hope to change that soon.  I've been given the green light by Matthew to hire someone to help out twice a month which is a luxury we're willing to sacrifice to have.  With two kids under two I realize there will still be daily chores in order to keep our house from falling over the edge.  I swear our house always looks like a daycare no matter what I do.  We don't have an extra room designated as a playroom with doors that can be shut so ultimately the whole house is a play space despite my efforts to corral toys to one location.  And I honestly can't keep the cheerios and gold fish contained to the kitchen while maintaining my sanity.  And I'm totally guilty of crashing on the couch (or even bed) right after I get those two babes to sleep.   But when I look around at my view from the couch it's hard to relax knowing I should be doing something productive.  I realized I needed a chart to keep me organized and accountable.  Otherwise, it's just not going to happen.  I actually put some real thought into what will be done on which days based on practicality.  You can find a lot of other charts on pinterest  that might suit your own house or needs better but here is what is working for me.  Anyone else have any tips or tricks for housekeeping you'd like to share?  We can all use the advice.  
Anyone blowing off chores for the weekend?  I know I sure am.  Aside form the dailies, there is a reason this is a Monday-Friday chart.