Julia Ryan Pawleys Island Realtor & Lifestyle Blogger

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Entryway/front hall progress

Okay, so y'all were so extremely helpful with advice on my skirted table options for our front entry way.
I really loved the option of adding the navy trim but I just couldn't get on board with the look.
Too busy.
Wasn't feeling it with the rug.
Really wasn't feeling the styling on top either.
So I decided to scrap it and change tables altogether.
What do you think?

I'll start:
Too dark

Still too much crap below

The water rings on the top right are always visible no matter how hard I try to hide them so I started painting it white (as seen in the second picture). 

I'm thinking about leaving the bottom half dark and adding some gorgeous gold pulls.

{And yes, I did paint that painting as well.}
All of your encouraging words on here and a few new requests for commissioned pieces have really got my creativity kicked in high gear!

 Oh and for those that don't feel like going back to the original post to see the before shot, here you go!