Julia Ryan Pawleys Island Realtor & Lifestyle Blogger

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Christmas Mantel

To be honest, I wasn't going to decorate for Christmas this year.
I've got my hands full and energy otherwise occupied this month.
And then there's the daunting thought of having to take it all down in a few weeks with a newborn.
But Wells is old enough to notice this year and I didn't want to bah-humbug her holiday so I felt a compromise was in order.
I decided to decorate the mantel and hang the stockings.
Matthew decided to put together our pre-lit Christmas tree.
But that's it.
No ornaments, no tinsel, no hours of clean-up come January.

And let's talk about this elf on the shelf
Did we miss the boat on that this year?
What age do you start that nonsense?
I'm thinking its a small window

My friend Jen encountered some drama with her little elf:

so last year Fisher didn't like the Elf on the Shelf because a) it was "just a deseration," not real and b) the Elf was a snitch. This year, the drama continues with "Mama, he DOES NOT live in the North Pole. He lives in our attic all the time. I'm really serious. He lives in the attic. In a box." ...and so the Christmas Spirit lives on in our household....

And I'm going to be linking this to a little holiday blog fun so you can see all kinds of inspiration here and here