Julia Ryan Pawleys Island Realtor & Lifestyle Blogger

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Today I sat down on the potty and peed my pants.
I pulled up my dress but forgot to pull down my panties.
That's a new low.
I'm just starting my third trimester and my almost 15 month old child woke up by 5am every morning this week.  
Yesterday it was 4:40am.
Sometimes we make her cry it out a bit and she falls back asleep until closer to six.
But I don't.
I lie there awake dreading starting yet another day so tired.
She lasts until 8pm with only a 40-60 minute nap most days.
We visit a minimum of 2-3 playgrounds a day just to keep her entertained.
I'm exhausted.
I'm nervous that this exhaustion is only going to be compounded when Baby Boy arrives in just two months.  I can only hope then I'll make it to the potty at all.
One day I'll re-read this post and be so embarrassed to be an over sharer that I'll feel the need to delete it.
Or maybe I'll just be thankful that I'm not so tired that day.
I'm not trying to complain or looking for sympathy.  Just wanted to make sure all the other tired moms out there don't feel alone in their exhaustion.  Or maybe I'm just taking one for the team by allowing y'all to think to yourselves, geeze, I'm not that bad as her.