Julia Ryan Pawleys Island Realtor & Lifestyle Blogger

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something good

yesterday could have been too much.
Doctor running 40 minutes late.
Glucose test.
Rhogam Shot.
Nap interrupted.  Again.
Wild Child.
but somehow it wasn't
Doctor reviewed my surgical chart from previous c-section and determined I'm actually not a candidate for a v-bac even if I'd wanted to be.
It seems they had some trouble getting Wells out and had to make a vertical incision on top of the horizontal incision on my uterus.
So I felt that the decision was in God's hands and not mine and I felt better about that.
We picked a date.
An official holy crap I'm having another baby on that date date.
Wells threw my shoe over the railing upstairs straight to the first floor.
I gave her my toughest mom look and said 
"Wells that is NOT okay.  We do NOT throw things over the edge like that"
She promptly walked backwards slowly into her room, hid behind her door and stayed there for a few minutes.
She put herself in time out.
I was so proud of her.
And I got to photograph a brand new beautiful baby girl!