Julia Ryan Pawleys Island Realtor & Lifestyle Blogger

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skirted table

 Despite BabyGirl's love for the 45 minute nap I've actually made some progress in the living room.
My first big project I wanted to tackle on my own was a table skirt for the bookshelf by the front door.
It's the old ugly spray painted bookshelf I talked about here and a catchall for our keys, shoes, bags, mail, etc.
This time I legitimately made a table skirt.
I went for a really simple no sew version not because I can't sew but because I'm too lazy to take the extra steps.
First I found this pattern and used an old white sheet to make sure all the panels worked out before I cut my real fabric.  Now I have a template to use if I ever want to change out the fabric.
I didn't bother to make the top or back pieces.
I wanted the top to be painted a nice glossy white since this was a busy pattern.
After I cut all out the pieces, I used stitch witchery to iron the seams closed on 3 of the four sides leaving the tops with their raw edge.
For the corner pieces I also folded my panels in half and ironed a crisp line into them to help stay nicely in place.  These were the only 4 panels that I stapled at both the top and bottom.

Next I lined up the bottoms with the edge of the floor and folded the top portion under so that the raw edge was facing down and quickly ironed that line into it.
Next I placed the entire panel upside down with the ironed top line placed all the way to the top and began to staple all the way across.   
I added my four corner pieces and one front flap into placed before added my sides and fronts on top.

 Once you flip the panel back right side up there is a nice hemmed looking edge at the top.
I also double folded my inner front pieces in without acting stitching them to they would bubble out a little bit.

With exception to painting the top two coats of glossy white, this whole project only took two naptimes and a trip for BabyGirl with her daddy to Kroger.
Pretty pumped about skirting some other issues in our house!