Julia Ryan Pawleys Island Realtor & Lifestyle Blogger

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Rumor has it

There's a not so small rumor going around our oh so small town
Everyone is talking about it
In the carpool lines and backyards
At happy hours and in the Piggly Wiggly

Rumor has is it we're putting our house on the market and hitting the road
And the best part...

It's true
Yes, that's right
We're moving to Richmond
And we're not just leaving our house, we're leaving our life.
I'm excited
I'm terrified
I've prayed
I've packed
I've drank bottles of wine with old friends
I'm afraid 
That I won't make new friends
That I won't be invited to a new playgroup or bunco
That I'll walk by envying women sitting on front porches drinking wine and wishing I was on mine
That our beautiful beloved first home won't sell
Please pray for us!