Julia Ryan Pawleys Island Realtor & Lifestyle Blogger

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18-month photoshoot

So my sister suggested that I edit down the pictures I share on my blog because it gets boring looking at too many pictures of "some one else's kid".
I couldn't agree more.  
{I have them all posted on my facebook page for those who are truly interested.}
Sorry Elizabeth, but this was the best I could do with only sharing a few must-see pics.  
It was truly torture trying to pick out just a few pictures of him to post.
Can we stop and chat about this handsome and stylish little man.

You may remember Shepard's stylish momma Amanda from her guest post here.
This precious child is betrothed to BabyGirl 
(when did arranged marriages get such a bad wrap anyway?) 
And his momma happens to be one of my all-time favorites!