Julia Ryan Pawleys Island Realtor & Lifestyle Blogger

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Lilly Love

Dear Lilly

We were an item for a very long time before our breakup.  We went steady all through college and several years after that as well.  Remember when I boxed up all of your things and sent them to my younger cousin's house?  It wasn't that I didn't still love you but it was time to to be a grown up and I needed to be in a more mature relationship with black & grey.  You just felt a little too preppy and perky.  Well your new Spring line had me at hello and I think it's time we gave our love another shot.  If I get down on my knees and tell you I'll be yours forever would you get down on yours too and take me back ( thanks Carrie)?  I'd be most thrilled!  I really am most truly sorry to have limited myself to just three basic solids.  Black, Grey & white do not a wardrobe make.

Love, me