Julia Ryan Pawleys Island Realtor & Lifestyle Blogger

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I'm sooooooo not a dog person.
Or an animal person for that matter.
I like people because you can tell them No and they typically listen.
And they don't make a mess all over your house and clothes and not at least offer to clean it up.

But last fall I became a Mabry person.

He's our SweetBoy.

I love him more than I ever thought possible to love a pet.

He's a ten month old Boykin Spaniel and he's undergoing emergency abdominal surgery in Charleston this morning.
For the second time in six months.
Imagine what that does to your heart and your bank account.

I know I don't usually post about personal stuff unless it's happy.
I like to keep things positive on here because no one wants to read about someone else's stress.
Hello, nobody likes a Debbie Downer.
But I know y'all can understand why I can't focus on anything else right now.
We're confidant that Mabry is in the best hands and will pull through.